We now have two openings on Tuesdays! One is at 3 or 3:15 which would likely work for a high schooler or middle schooler or maybe homeschooled or college student. The other is following that one at 4 or 4:15 pm. Please let us know if you are interested or know someone who might be interested in either of those time slots for piano or vocal lessons.

Our Fall Recital may have to be rescheduled as it seems as we may have to find a new location in which to hold it. If you know of a local building (ideally within 10 miles of Munster ie clubhouse, church hall, etc) that is available to rent for special events for 50-75 people, please let us know. Last year we used the Community Park Social Center, but the acoustics and the set up were not ideal for a musical performance. Although if it’s available, we may have to use it again. We will send out more information on the Fall recital as it becomes available. Thank you!