It has come to our attention that as many as 5 or 6 of our Larimer Music students either will not be able to perform due to other commitments or simply don’t wish to perform at all in our 6th Annual Spring Recital. We currently have 16 students, but when nearly half aren’t planning to participate in the recital, we need to consider either moving it to a different date or cancelling it altogether. Recitals are a great opportunity to show your friends and families what you have accomplished through your private lessons, however, many students this Spring are new to lessons and feel they aren’t ready to perform yet. We realize that many of you really look forward to the recitals and the chance to perform, but if we only have 7 or 8 of you performing before a very small audience, perhaps it would be better to wait until mid May or even June to have a recital with more performers and a bigger audience. It may even be that we need to consider having only one recital per year — the Holiday one in December. Recitals are a great deal of work for everyone involved. If there isn’t enough interest in doing a Spring Recital, we don’t have to do one–goodness knows with the school year ending soon, we all have plenty to keep us busy! Please let us know how you feel about this via a comment here, on our Facebook page or via email or text message.