Our Summer Lesson Schedule has ended as of this week. School begins next week for most of our students. The Summer sure flew by! A week ago, we sent out a schedule for “School Year” lessons and have had responses from all of our current students/parents but one. Posted below is the new “School Year” lesson schedule. Our “Fall” or School Year schedule begins the week of August 22. This way students can get back into the swing of things with school before continuing with lessons.

If you don’t see your name or your students’ name on the schedule and wish to continue lessons, please let us know. As you will see from the schedule, we are currently full. We can put you or your student on a “waiting list” however as soon as a spot opens up! Also, we realize as sports and other after school activities kick off, that we may need to make some adjustments to the schedule. This isn’t written in stone, but it gives us somewhere to begin in late August. Thank you for your continued patronage of our small business!