We need your feedback regarding the date for our Annual Holiday Recital. We posted earlier and sent home information asking about December 6th or the 13th. The feedback we received was that at least 3 wouldn’t be able to do a recital on the 6th. The 13th or 14th seemed to be the better dates for everyone. However, the facility where we hold the recital is not available on the 13th or 14th of December. It is available, however, on Sunday, December 15th from either 5:30-7:00 pm or 6:00-7:30 pm. Please check your calendars to see if that date would work for you or your student. If that date won’t work, we may have to consider not doing a Holiday recital this year and perhaps try for a Spring Recital instead. Since our student numbers are down currently, we are especially eager to find a date when everyone can participate. Please contact us via text, email or in person and let us know your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you!