Our Halloween Recital on October 15 is rapidly approaching. Thank you to all who have volunteered to help set up or clean up and to those who are bringing goodies. Don’t forget to send us an email or text the day before with your final count of attendees.
As we have several new students this year, we’ve been hearing so and so is too afraid to perform! Please assure your student that the teacher will be up front with them the entire time and can help if necessary. For beginner vocalists, if they are too nervous to sing alone, the teacher can sing softly along with them. Performing is an important part of music training. Please do your best to reassure your student that it is very normal to be nervous, but that they will do just fine.
In other news–a note with the corrected address for the Community Park Social Center has been sent home this week. October tuition is due for most students this week; however, some students have expressed a desire to take the week after the recital off from lessons. If you have already paid for the whole month of October and wish to take the week after recital off, as long as you give us prior notice, payment will be credited.